Deep Thoughts from Deep in the Heart of the Philippines

Hey there!  Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve sent a proper blog post to you all!  I hope I can remember things that have been happening.  Anyway, the last two weeks have been crazy!  We contacted a total of 24 missionaries through things like companionship studies, exchanges, and practice teaching, etc.  We did something like nine exchanges over the past two weeks, which was actually incredibly productive.  We’ve been assigned to exchange with all of the newer District Leaders. What’s cool about going on exchanges with district leaders is that one of us gets to exchange with their companion so it’s been fun.  We went to the following Districts: Pila, Sariaya, Siniloan 2, Lumban, Atimonan (yup, my old District), Lopez 1, Calauag, and Lucban.

District T-Shirts on order!

District T-Shirts from Batangas!

In the process we were able to attend some District Meetings where we are amazed at how awesome our missionaries are. When we meet with them, we get to see the strengths that they’ve got and try and develop ourselves along with them.  I can’t think of two weeks ever in my life where I’ve grown more. It’s all because of others!  I studied about service for the last few days and I love what’s found in chapter 39 of Genesis that we are prospered by God as we serve others righteously.  It’s how He is able to perfect us, exalt us, and allow us to be joint heirs in His kingdom.
I’m going to be training a new missionary again, which means I am getting punted outta the office!  I’m excited about it and its cool to think that my next companion is in the Missionary Training Center right now.  I’m excited to meet him and watch him grow!  I know i’m gonna learn a lot of bagays from him, haha!
Performing service to the Filipino people

Performing service to the Filipino people in Atimonan

I’m pretty much slapped in the face everyday by the fact that this thing is winding down.  I don’t feel like it is, i feel like it’s going to speed up super quick.  And then one day it’s just gonna stop and I’ll be sitting on an airplane headed for the United States.  I’ve pondered on that. The transition from one phase of life to another isn’t the exciting part.  It’s the “in-between” that really matters.  HOW YOU USE YOUR TIME to serve others, is what really matters.  I imagine that’s what it is like as time ticks down in life.  I know, that’s gettin’ a bit deep, but I imagine we get to the other side and say to ourselves, “that whole time I was so worried about the end when I should have been worried about the middle”!  It’s kinda like eating a Jake sandwich from Dirty Dave’s.  The last bite is usually just bread and lettuce.  The middle is the best!  That makes sense na.
I love you all!  Thanks for all that each of you do to make other’s lives pleasant.  Keep up the hard work. Heavenly Father loves you. Jesus Christ loves you. They live!  Have a great week!
Elder Tyler Burbidge

Travelling throughout the mission...

Travelling throughout the mission…Gumaca Fish statue

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